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I'm shocked and sad about #M66B's (Marcel #Brokhorst) decision to quit work on all his awesome and important #floss #Android #apps #Netguard #FairEmail etc. But I totally understand his resignation, after years of David fighting against #Gooliath. This is were we're heading, folks. See #Pegasus #pMail yesterday. ☹️

Thanks for all your work, support and sacrifices, Marcel. 🙏 All the best and I hope things smh fall into place for you. 🤞

Thanks for nothing, Google. #fckGoogle #redecentralize

teilten dies erneut

Als Antwort auf me·ta·phil, der

people are forking
Als Antwort auf Kurt

yes, but that's not what I'm concerned about. #FLOSS keeps the code of his apps available to the community.

But Google harrasses individuals like him within its ecosystem in such a kafka-esque manner. And they're raising the wall of the #WaalledGarden that is our "open-source operating system #Android" with every new version. #LockIn

#Netguard is one of the key tools that many people use to defend themselves against #GAAFMN's corporate #surveillance

Als Antwort auf me·ta·phil, der


One of the best clients I know and I love to use it... But his point is understandable.

Als Antwort auf me·ta·phil, der

@me·ta·phil, der it's a great tragedy...
Now i can buy a new phone, hoping i csn flash it with a custom rom... i needed netguard...
An fairemail is my absolutely favorite mailclient!

So sad this story!


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