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@fediverse What type of social media do you feel is lacking most in the fediverse?

To elaborate, there are a lot of different types of social media already on the fediverse such as microblogs, regular blogs, image sharing, link sharing and video sharing.

Personally, I'd love to see a gaming-focused social media platform on the fediverse.

Als Antwort auf ch0ccyra1n :she_her:

Perhaps it already exists in some way, but I would like it if for example public or official web pages could easily connect their RSS update functionality to the Fediverse, so that I can follow a web page of for example my municipality, and also comment and engage in the Fediverse in relationship to public institutions.
Als Antwort auf Carl Heath

Even better if Fediverse servers could treat any RSS/Atom feed as a “degraded” ActivityPub actor and let users subscribe, boosts and comment posts. We would have de facto a comment platform for everything that has a RSS/Atom feed.
Als Antwort auf jakob 🇦🇹 ✅

I don’t want a RSS/Atom reader integrated in my Fediverse instance. I want to be able to share/comment/like posts from a RSS/Atom feed and other Fediverse users to see them like with any other ActivityPub actor but that is publish-only.

For example to have a shared comment section for every RSS/Atom feed from the Internet.

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You don't want a feed-reader in you mastodon, but you want to share/like/comment on rss-feed-postings...

Maybe i don't understand, what you really want...

Als Antwort auf jakob 🇦🇹 ✅

The same result of using ActivityPub plugin for WordPress but without it because all it does is publishing articles as an AP actor and we can share/comment/like them.

I don’t see why we can’t stop requiring a website to be a publish-only AP actor and just look at its RSS/Atom feed.

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You don't want rss from a website, but native activitypub-actors. Did i get you?

Als Antwort auf jakob 🇦🇹 ✅

The Web is full of RSS/Atom feeds that will never turn into AP actors so I am saying that there should be a standard way to treat RSS/Atom feeds as publish-only AP actors.

You can tell this is properly implemented if you can see all the comments from other instances (known to yours) together under the same article from a feed.

Als Antwort auf jakob 🇦🇹 ✅

It would if it was @arminwolf@arminwolf.at without the need of another server (soc.schuerz.at).

What Friendica is doing is having RSS->AP bots as a built-in feature. It suffers of the same problem of bots: there can be multiple unofficial bots and each of them depend on a third-party service (other that my instance and the feed i.e. the Friendica instance or the instance of the bot).

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For example this is the WordPress site from the AcrivityPub plugin author: @pfefferle

No other server involved, but it needs to “speak” AP.

I am suggesting the same experience for the end user but behind the scene the Fediverse instances are reading the RSS feed of website and then presenting them as AP actors that only publish. If this will be made in a standard way, we would see each other’s interactions on feeds.

Als Antwort auf jakob 🇦🇹 ✅


The Fediverse is… federated i.e. decentralized but not distributed and it is based on Web domains (DNS) anyway, so it is only natural to use the original website as the source of information instead of mirror that same information using multiple bots just because RSS/Atom and AP uses different formats.

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If People want their Blogs in Fediverse, the peopke have to bring them to fediverse...
There are so many different webservices out there, all the devs have to develop AP-extensions additionally to their solutions.

Yes... it would be nice...

Until the world reached this point, i will use friendica ☺️

Als Antwort auf Carl Heath

@Carl Heath

Here i use #Friendica
And i can follow RSS-Feeds natively an get new Articles from a rss-feed directly into my timeline and can share it.

I also can make an own identity, following a rss-feed and share it to the whole fediverse.

@Armin Wolf Blog (inoffiziell) is such a solution. If you follow this from your mastodon, you can interact with other followers and get all new articles from the original feed.

You are looking for #Friendica

@ch0ccyra1n :ins: :she_her: :vim: :trans: :lesb: :polyam:

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